Armenia Work Permit (2024)
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To work in the Republic of Armenia, a foreigner must obtain a work permit, except in cases stipulated by an international agreement (for example, citizens of the EAEU member states). Foreigners, on an equal basis with citizens of the Republic of Armenia, enjoy their labor rights in compliance with the restrictions established by law.
According to the most recent data provided by the Statistical Committee of the Republic of Armenia, there are currently over 23,700 foreigners working in the country. This number is likely higher than reported, given that Armenia has become an increasingly favorable destination for settling down, especially with recent geopolitical developments.
The country has taken several legislative steps to make it easier for foreigners to work in Armenia. These reforms include streamlined visa procedures, simplified work permit requirements, and tax incentives for foreign investors. These measures have made the country more attractive to foreign workers and investors alike.
In addition to these measures, Armenia offers a high quality of life with excellent living conditions and security. The country is also known for its skilled workforce and offers opportunities for career growth and competitive salaries in the labor market. In fact, according to the latest data from 2023, the average monthly salary in Armenia was 265,000 AMD, which is significantly higher than the monthly average wage in India, which was 160,000 AMD.
With its favorable business climate, high living standards, and competitive salaries, Armenia has become a promising destination for foreigners seeking new opportunities and a better quality of life.
Key takeaways
In order to work in the Republic of Armenia, a foreigner needs to obtain a work permit.
The legislation of the Republic of Armenia establishes the following types of entry visas:
Guest entry visa,
Official entry visa,
Diplomatic entry visa,
Transit entry visa.
For the purpose of carrying out work and economic activity, foreigners are granted a visa for multiple entries with a validity period of up to one year.
The Law "On Foreigners" of RA provides two dozen bases for working in the Republic of Armenia without a work permit. Thus, foreigners who are citizens of the EAEU member state are exempt from the requirement to obtain a work permit by virtue of the relevant international agreements of the Republic of Armenia. The unified electronic platform for attracting foreign workers provides for a special procedure for registering a foreigner who has the citizenship of a member state of the EAEU.
Key takeaways
Foreigners who are citizens of EAEU member states are exempted from the requirement to obtain a work permit.
Both foreigners who are legally in the Republic of Armenia and those who are outside of it, whose professional and personal qualities meet the requirements of the job offered by the employer, can apply for a work permit.
In order to attract a foreign employee, the employer fills out the relevant application on a single electronic platform conducted by the authorized state body in the field of migration. Filling out an application on the electronic platform consists of 3 consecutive stages:
Registering an employer on the platform,
Creating a new job description for a vacancy, and
Entering data about foreigners.
The second and third stages are completed by the decision of the state body and are limited to short terms. At the same time, at the third stage, after entering the foreigner’s data on the platform, the NSS and the police within 5 working days give an opinion on granting the requested status to the foreigner. If the latter does not give a conclusion within the prescribed period, the conclusion is considered positive.
The process described above is carried out by the employer, and after the successful completion of all stages, the latter enters into an employment contract with the foreigner (provision of services). An employment contract (provision of services) is concluded in the presence of a temporary residence status card or a license plate of public services provided unless the foreigner is not required to have such documents.
Key takeaways
In order to attract a foreign worker, the employer fills out an appropriate application on the unified electronic platform managed by the authorized state body in the field of migration.
For the proper and high-quality implementation of the process, it is necessary to know and apply certain legal norms, skills, and experience in communicating with government agencies, as well as collecting and submitting the necessary documents, the implementation of which without the support of an Armenian law firm can cause serious difficulties in practice. You can find all the services of Gritarres Law Firm for obtaining a work permit.
After the employer uploads the job description on the electronic platform, the Migration Service of the Republic of Armenia studies the requirements of the labor market of the Republic of Armenia and, if possible, offers the employer to replenish the workplace with citizens of the Republic of Armenia. If such candidates are proposed by the migration service, then in all cases the employer may reject the submitted candidates. In the absence of candidates or their rejection, the employer may already apply for a work permit for the foreigner.
An entry visa issued to a foreigner shall be deemed invalid if he/she has started working in the Republic of Armenia without a work permit, except in cases stipulated by law for work without a work permit.
A work permit gives a foreigner the opportunity to obtain a temporary residence permit in the Republic of Armenia and extend the residence permit on the same basis in the future.
The Law of the Republic of Armenia "On Foreigners" does not directly provide bases for invalidating a work permit, but establishes exhaustive bases for revoking the status of a temporary residence permit obtained on the basis of a work permit.
The employer enters the following data on the platform:
The personal data of the foreigner,
A photocopy of the passport, and its notarized translation,
A photocopy of the document certifying the employer's obligation to hire the relevant foreigner,
A photocopy of the document confirming education,
The license plate of the certificate of the LPPS or the absence of the LPPS (if available),
A color photo size 35 × 45 mm,
a photocopy of the document, certifying the fact of payment of the state fee (payment receipt), either makes a note in the appropriate field of the platform about exemption from payment of state fee or makes payment of state fee through the platform.
There are no state fees for obtaining a work permit. However, a state fee of AMD 105,000 is provided for obtaining a temporary residence permit in the Republic of Armenia. Persons who have a separate status or a specific type of activity (for example, a teacher, or a lecturer) have access to benefits that fully or partially exempt them from paying the state fee. The process also includes notarization of documents, certification, and other running costs.
Key takeaways
There are no state fees for obtaining a work permit.
The process of obtaining a work permit takes about 1 month, depending on the actions that need to be taken at certain stages.
The bases for rejection to grant a work permit are provided for by law. They are:
The state of the labor market of the Republic of Armenia, based on the analysis of the latter, does not allow such work, including cases when the workplace can be replenished by citizens of the Republic of Armenia,
The citizenship of the Republic of Armenia is required by the laws of the Republic of Armenia to perform this work,
The requested information or documents are forged,
The employer for whom the foreigner is supposed to work has previously violated the requirements for hiring foreigners,
There are reasons that threaten the state security of the Republic of Armenia.
The Migration Service recognizes the status of temporary residence granted on the basis of obtaining a work permit as invalid if an employment contract (provision of services) has not been concluded with a foreigner within 15 working days from the date of obtaining temporary residence status on the basis indicated.
To obtain a work permit in Armenia, you first need to secure a job offer. Once you are hired, your employer will handle the process of obtaining your work permit and assist with applying for your residency card.