Лицензий, Разрешений и Сертификаты в Армении
Консультирование по вопросам Лицензий, Разрешений и Сертификаты, Получение, переоформление Лицензий, Разрешений и Сертификаты
Providing legal consultancy on the procedure of how to obtain license, permit, and certification
Providing legal consultancy on the restriction during the force of license, permit, and certification
Ensuring the execution, and preparation of the necessary documents to get a license in the following areas: construction, financial (bank, credit, and insurance companies, investment fund, investment services), mining, security, healthcare, currency exchange, educational, telecommunications, lotteries, gambling, urban development
Representation in the administrative proceedings
Preparing and submitting the application for license renewal
Collecting necessary documents for obtaining a construction and/or demolition permit and legal assistance in obtaining them
Provision of representation and collection of necessary documents in order to approve an architectural project
Collection of necessary documents to obtain a certificate for taxation under a special regime (for example IT)
Provision of representation and collection of necessary documents in order to obtain a permit for operating a restaurant and selling food.
Provision of representation and collection of necessary documents in order to obtain a permit for selling alcoholic and tobacco goods
Provision of representation and collection of necessary documents in order to obtain a permit for operating after midnight (concerning businesses)
Provision of representation and collection of necessary documents in order to obtain a license, a permit, and a certificate related to the various sphere of business activities